网站首页    生命科学仪器    动物实验仪器    果蝇行为监测设备    美国TriKinetics果蝇行为监测系统DAM2










    Drosophila Activity Monitor (DAM) system能让广大的生物科学家的监测果蝇和类似大小的昆虫在运动和羽化方面的行为规律,此系统已被应用于突变异种、环境监测和对化学药品的敏感性,也可用来展示群居生活中相互间的作用。




*运动监视器:用32个内径为 5mm,7mm或者10mm的管子,分别监测32个果蝇样本的行为规律。一个红外光束穿过把管子分成两半,当果蝇在管子中来回走动,它们将切割红外光,这些运动数据则被记录下来。








*电源:提供一个直流电源用于整个系统,通过一个电 话线网络一样的平行接口,这个电源可以提供给多达120个监视器同时使用




The DAM2 Drosophila Activity Monitor measures the locomotor activity of 32 individual flies, each in a separate tube. As a fly walks back and forth within its tube, it interrupts an infrared beam that crosses the tube at its midpoint, and this interruption, detected by the onboard electronics, is added to the tubes activity count as a measure of fly activity. In a typical experiment, an agar/sucrose food mixture is placed into one end of each tube, followed by the fly, and followed by a cotton plug in the open end. The 32 tubes are inserted into holes in the monitor case, and centered. Over the course of the experiment, which may last for days or weeks, the counting circuits continuously monitor the activity in all 32 tubes, and at periodic intervals, upload their count totals to the host computer for storage and later analysis. This daily record provides a good measure of both the intensity of locomotor activity, and the relative periods of rest. The DAM2 is fabricated from a transparent polycarbonate plastic, allowing light penetration to all points along the tube. It is compact, light in weight, and when used within an incubator, allows plentiful air circulation around the tubes. The through-hole design accommodates tubes of arbitrary length. An on/off visible light sensor is built into each unit to provide a simple record of the ambient light state over time. This record accompanies the activity count data as it is acquired and stored, and is useful in analyzing circadian rhythms and adaptations of the flies to external light stimuli. An optional gas distribution manifold is available to facilitate the controlled exchange of air within the tubes, as would be needed for hypoxia studies.




•32 independent activity channels per monitor.


•Up to 120 monitors per system provide over 3000 simultaneous monitoring channels.


•Compact design allows efficient use of incubator shelf space.


•Standard 5mm tube size (model DAM2) for studies of drosophila melanogaster.


•7mm tube size (model DAM2-7) accommodates d. virilis and larger species.


•Ambient light sensor provides on/off record of entrainment cycles and stimulation pulses, as well as inadvertent light exposure.


•Consistent operation in ambient light levels from bright laboratory to total darkness.


•Optional gas distribution manifold allows controlled air exchange within the tubes.


•Available tubes (diameter x length):


PGT5x65 = 5 x 65 mm Pyrex Glass


PGT7x65 = 7 x 65 mm Pyrex Glass


PPT5x65 = 5 x 65 mm Polycarbonate Plastic Plastic caps are available to seal the food in place of the traditional hot wax dip.




•Dimensions: 127 x 48 x 87 mm LWH (5.0 x 1.9 x 3.4)


•Mass: 170g


•Tube diameter: DAM 2 =  5 mm DAM 2-7 = 7 mm


•Ambient Light Sensor threshold: 10 lux nominal, phoic response curve


•Interconnect: 4 wire, 6 position, RJ-11 modular telephone line jack to DAMSystem network for DC power input and data transmission


•Case material: Clear polycarbonate plastic