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美国TriKinetics果蝇环境监测系统 DEnM

果蝇环境监测系统 DEnM 





Drosophila Environment Monitor果蝇环境监测器可持续测量其周围空气的温度和相对湿度,以及其顶部表面的可见光波段照明。这些参数定期报告给系统的主机,提供一个在实验运行过程中培养箱内环境条件的档案记录。










•电话式接线插孔,方便连接到DM 系统接线网络;






•尺寸LWH: 108 x 66 x 29 mm


•温度:0-70,+/- 0.1°C

•相对湿度:0-100,+/- 3.5% 冷凝

•入射光: 0-2500 lux +/- 5%





The Drosophila Environment Monitor continuously measures the temperature and relative humidity of its surrounding air, and the visible-band illumination of its top surface. These parameters are reported periodically to the DAMSystem host computer, providing an archival record of the environmental conditions within an incubator chamber over the course of an experimental run. Temperature and relative humidity are measured by precision sensors located just beneath perforation holes in the ends of the unit. Incident light intensity is measured by the round photodiode sensor on the top surface. A visiblewavelength filter rejects IR and UV light, providing a sensitivity curve which approximates the photopic response. In each case, the instantaneous values are reported along with their minimum, average, and maximum values over the measurement period, allowing for detection of short-term upsets and characterization of environmental performance and stability



• Dimensions: 4.25 x 2.60 x 1.12” LWH (108 x 66 x 29 mm)

• Mass: 115 g • Temperature: 0-70, +/- 0.1 °C

• Relative Humidity: 0-100, +/- 3.5% non-condensing

• Incident Light: 0-2500 lux +/- 5% Photopic response, 550nm peak Off axis sensitivity: 50% at 55 degrees

• Interconnect: 4 wire, 6 position, RJ-11 modular telephone line jack to PSIU9 / DAMSystem3 network for 9V DC power input and data transmission

• Case material: ABS plastic



• Accurately measures temperature, relative humidity, and incident ambient light.

• Precision temperature measurement verifies incubator setpoint accuracy and stability.

• Ambient light sensor verifies proper on/ off light cycling, and detects inadvertent door openings, confirming true-dark conditions.

• Accurate lux measurement checks lighting intensity and uniformity.

• Min/Max readings detect short-term upsets to average conditions.

• Small unit size allows parameter measurement at various points within a chamber interior. • Telephone-type wiring jack allows easy connection to DAMSystem wiring network.

• Data acquisition via standard DAMSystem software provides seamless archival record of environmental conditions.